Monday, November 30, 2009

A Couple of Quickies

  • Awesome video of flying fish. They can glide for up to 200 meters after take off!!
  • Hilarious video of a prank from a Japanese TV show. One of the more well thought and absurd pranks that I've seen on a Japanese game show and that's saying something!
  • And a great quote from The Daily Show two Wednesday's ago: "The Special Olympics is to winners what Fox News is to experts; if you show up, you are one." ~ Jon Stewart

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Classic Louis C.K.

I have been watching SO many Louis C.K. vids on youtube. This one is one of my faves as it is hilarious and actually thought provoking. The dude gets it.

You Know the Deal

Serious Links
  •  Article on the future of batteries. They have figured out how to make paper thin batteries out of a certain species of green algae. Very cool.
  • Scary poll regarding the 2010 mid-term elections. The poll found that a huge portion of the republican voter base are planning on voting in 2010 while a minority of the democratic voter base is planning on voting. This appears to be due to the fact that republicans are getting real fired up and democrats are only disappointed in the progress, or apparent lack there of, that Obama has made. This gets my blood boiling. Dems out there who are actually not planning on voting deserve the republicans that are going to take office as a result of their lack of understanding and apathy.
  • Article discussing the downward trend in the prices of energy from renewable sources and the prices of first time installation costs. Specifically the cost of solar power has gone down 50% in the last year.
Fun Links
  • Article on 5 real scientific reasons why a zombie apocalypse could actually happen.
  • Cool pics showing the actual amount of water on the earth compared to the actual amount of rock.
  • "This woman has a pet unicorn, why isn't she smiling?!"
  • KICK ASS This is a story and phone number that you can apparently call to get your voice blasted out over the Norwegian forest. (pictured below) I do not know if this is for realz but I sure hope it is.

    The Rise of Food Stamps

    Food stamps now feed 1 in 8 Americans and 1 in 4 American children. Stop and think about that. This stat says as much about the current recession as any other that I have seen. It hits home. One interesting side effect of the growing visibility of food stamps in our culture is that they are losing their stigma. For decades they were seen as something that only the truly poor had to deal with. Now, apparently, they are something that millions and millions of Americans have to deal with everyday. The times they are a changing. Check out the NYT article here.

    Friday, November 20, 2009

    Delayed Absence

    Sorry for being gone so long guys. I have simply had too much work to be fooling around with this blog stuff. To hold you over until I return, which could be a little while considering finals are approaching, I will leave you with this great video of John Stewart enlisting the aid of retired wrestler Mick Foley to help protect that 10 year old kid who won't stand up for the pledge of allegiance until gay marriage is legalized. It's a hilarious video and for a good cause.

    Friday, November 6, 2009


    1 in 20 british children think that Adolf Hitler was a german soccer coach. for more absurd and depressing statistics such as this one read this article.