Monday, March 30, 2009

LED sheep and some statistics to ponder

the sheep-

the stats-
In America:
1970- 50% of one paycheck bought middle class lifestyle
2000- 70% of two paychecks bought middle class lifestyle

1970- Avg CEO made 30x more than avg worker
2000- Avg CEO made 400x more than avg worker


  1. you should translate those dollars into real income to adjust for inflation. 400k in 2000 ain't 13.3 times more than 30k in 1970.

    ur blog's fly jeddy. i sent the video of the storm to a billion people; sheep pong is awesome too. and your defense of government intervention in free markets was concise and enlightening. i'll definitely refer people to it should they cry "socialism" on barry o. is where i'm putting my pix and pix of pix these days.

  2. 30k in 1970 would be about 133k in year-2000-dollars. so yeah, still a huge difference.
